Education and Formation
We began our most recent book series this past Tuesday. For this Book series, we will be reading "Praying Shapes Believing: A Theological Commentary on the Book of Common Prayer, written by Leonel L. Mitchell and Ruth Meyers.
The class will meet over zoom on either Tuesday or Wednesday nights from 7:00pm-8:15pm and the meeting link is below.
Father Frank will also send out an email with the link closer to when it starts so you can join from your inbox
Schedule of Readings:
​​Tuesday, October 8
Chapter 3: The Daily Office pp. 69-76
Tuesday, October 15
Chapter 3: The Daily Office pp. 77-84
The book can be found on Amazon and ordered for 32.99.
The meeting link is:
In September, we began a new Bible Study in between services for a chance to reflect on some topics and use our self-reflection to help us understand themes found throughout the Bible.
Join Father Frank this Sunday between services as we have weekly reflections on the Bible and what it means for us now. It will be pulled from the website as we search for deeper meanings and how to apply certain thoughts to our daily lives.
To get to this week's Bible Study, please click here.
Can't make it the Bible Study?
Check the front table in the narthex for the weekly insert to help in your individual weekly meditations.